Meeting Galleries

TVOCC Meeting Galleries 2020/2021

At most monthly meetings we submit photos that are judged during the meeting and the top photos are recognized.

We typically have an Assignment often based on a speaker topic from a recent meeting.

We also have a Theme that we choose at each meeting for the upcoming meeting.

And there is an Open category where members can submit an image to share and discuss.

Below are the results from some of the latest meetings – hope you enjoy them.

You can click on any image to see a larger version and use the left and right arrows to scroll through a gallery. Each meeting section also has a link to see all the images that we shared in the meeting – please explore.

May 2021 Scavenger Hunt

As a wrap-up to our season, Barb Larson organized a “TVOCC Scavenger Hunt“.

Lots of fun and some great images – check them out.

May 2021 Competition

TVOCC holds an annual banquet and competition each May. Covid has forced us to meet online – but we shared a great collection of images which you can see below and on the meeting webpage.

We would like to recognize and thank Ted Dawson for once again judging our images and providing his knowledgeable feedback on each image. Thanks Ted!

April 2021 Meeting

Our Assignment was to submit a “Starburst” image applying what Barb presented at our March Meeting.
Our Theme was “Trains“.
View all the images from this meeting.

March 2021 Meeting

Our Assignment was to share a favourite “Travel” photo from the past.
Our Theme was “Solitude“.
View all the images from this meeting.

February 2021 Meeting

Our Assignment was to apply a “Fibonacci Crop” using what Ted Dawson demonstrated in our January meeting.
Our Theme was “Churches“.
View all the images from this meeting.

January 2021 Meeting

Our Assignment was to review what we learned in our September and October 2020 meetings and submit an image using what we learned.
Our Theme was “Action“.
View all the images from this meeting.

November 2020 Meeting

Our Theme was “Yellow” and Assignment was to bring 2 prints.
View all the images from this meeting.

October 2020 Meeting

In October we met at Debra Garside’s studio in Longview.
Debra shared a presentation titled:


September 2020 Meeting

Our Theme was “Silhouette“.
View all the images from this meeting.