Our motto is “Encourage Learning Through Positive & Constructive Support”.
The Turner Valley Oilfields Camera Club was first formed in 1963. 2023 marks our 60th Anniversary! Many talented photographers have participated in the club over the years.
Today we have about 25 members and we meet monthly from September to April. We don’t have a December meeting and our Annual Banquet is held in May with a year end competition.
At most meetings, we have a speaker presentation (see our Program page).
We also have a photo competition where we collectively judge member submissions in different categories. Members can submit images to any or all categories.
We can have an “Assignment” category – usually based on a recent presentation or we have a “Theme” category selected at the previous meeting.
And we have an “Open” category where members can present an image for discussion with the group.
Our members bring a wide range of photographic skills and interests – from beginners to more advanced. Everyone is welcome.
We strive to help all members broaden their knowledge and improve their photographic skills.
Club Executive and Committees for 2023-2024
President: Jack Coulis
Vice President: Sheila Smith
Past President: Jack Bosgra
Secretary: Julie Thomson
Treasurer/Membership: Judy Price
Technology: Bob Jackson
Program Committee: Jim O’Keefe, Shane Richardson, Jean Duff
Banquet Committee: Katherine Matiko, Laura Kuzmiski, Barb Larson
SCAC Liaison: Jack Coulis
Social Media & Website: Bob Jackson
Club History
The Turner Valley Oilfields Camera Club was first formed in June 1963!
We have 5 “Lifetime Members”:
Peggy Orr – who passed away January 2020 (at the age of 106!)
Nola Middleton – who passed away November 2017
Bern Dayment (member since 1979)
Sheila Smith (member since 2006)
We also want to recognize the contribution of Ted Dawson who was our annual competition judge from 1979 to 2021!!! Ted was awarded a Lifetime Membership in 2023.
Here are links to some articles from 2013 when we celebrated 50 years as a camera club: