May 2022 Annual Competition
We enjoyed getting together in person to share images and time together. A great night!
We had an excellent collection of images and special thanks to Dan Sigouin for helping with the judging.
1. Landscape
2. Wildlife
3. Starbursts
4. Cell Phone Photography
5. Intentional Camera Movement
6. Night Photogrpahy
7. Black & White Showing Interesting Atmospheric Conditions
8. People
Best In Show Image
“Storm Approaching” – Barb Larson
May 2022 Annual Competition Images
Below are the 1st Place images in each of the categories. Click on an image to open a full screen version and then the arrows to click forward and backward.

901_Landscape_Coyote Hills_Bob Jackson

902_Wildlife_California Gull_Bob Jackson

903_Starburst_Mormon Temple_Barb Larson

904_Cellphone_Photo_Sunset_Doug Brook

905_ICM_Brush_Strokes_Bob Jackson

906_Night_Photography_Eau Claire at Night_Bob Jackson

907_B&W_Storm Approaching _Barb Larson

908_People_Mommy Looks Beautiful_Jack Coulis
May 2022 Annual Competition Images
Here’s a gallery with all of the images from the competition.



101_Landscape_Unsuitable To Cut_Jim O’Keefe

102_Landscape_Forest Cascade_Doug Brook

103_Landscape_Alberta Blue_Jack Bosgra

104_Landscape_A Breath Of Nature_Warren Pearson

105_Landscape_A Day of Reflections_Judy Price

106_Landscape_Mountains_Jack Coulis

107_Landscape_Sunshine Coast_Sheila Smith

108_Landscape_Spring Has Arrived_Barry Keeler

109_Landscape_Okanagan Vista_Carol McKeown

110_Landscape_Backyard View_Michele Verlinden

111_Honourable Mention_Landscape_Springtime In Alberta_Julie Thomson

112_3rd_Landscape_Grasslands_Barb Larson

113_2nd_Landscape_Frosty Mountains_Katherine Matiko

114_1st_Landscape_Coyote Hills_Bob Jackson


201_Wildlife_ Wary Perigrine_Randy Martin

202_Wildlife_Chocolate Bruin_Katherine Matiko

203_Wildlife_A Winter Day_Jack Bosgra

204_Wildlife – Are We Related_Jim O’Keefe

205_Wildlife_Canada Geese_Warren Pearson

206_Wildlife_Feeding Time_Barry Keeler

207_Wildlife_The Eagle Has Landed_Doug Brook

208_Wildlife_Eagle Watch_Michele Verlinden

209_Honourable Mention_Wildlife_Don’t Tell Mom_Julie Thomson

210_3rd_Wildlife_Winter Encounter_Carol McKeown

211_2nd_Wildlife_Follow Me_Judy Price.

212_1st_Wildlife_California Gull_Bob Jackson


301_Starburst_Icicle Starbursts_Barry Keeler

302_Starburst_Lone Star Loading Chute_Jack Bosgra

303_Starburst_Summer Sentinels_Katherine Matiko

304_Starburst_Through the Trees_Michele Verlinden

305_Honourable Mention_Starburst_Chows Up_Warren Pearson

306_3rd_Starburst_Sunny Day For Hiking_Bob Jackson

307_2nd_Starburst_Moonburst Over the Highwood River_Doug Brook

308_1st_Starburst_Mormon Temple_Barb Larson


401_Cellphone_Photo_Golf Season is Here_Barry Keeler

402_Cellphone_Photo_Guardian at Rogers Pass_Carol McKeown

403_Cellphone_Photo_The Burmis Tree_Judy Price

404_Cellphone_Photo_Somebody Wants To Play_Julie Thomson

405_Cellphone_Photo_Keeping Your Focus_Warren Pearson

406_Cellphone_Photo_Little Angel_Michele Verlinden

407_Cellphone_Photo_Sit Awhile_Sheila Smith

408_Honourable Mention_Cellphone_Photo_Memories_Jack Coulis

409_3rd_Cellphone_Photo_Horsey Neighbour_Katherine Matiko

410_2nd_Cellphone_Photo_My Biker Gang_Bob Jackson

411_1st_Cellphone_Photo_Sunset_Doug Brook


501_ICM_Night Lights_Barry Keeler

502_ICM_No Trespassing_Jack Bosgra

503_ICM_Starburst Colours_Michele Verlinden

504_3rd_ICM_Warp Speed Over Turner Valley_Doug Brook

505_2nd_ICM_An Old Time Rodeo_Warren Pearson


600_Night Photography

601_Night_Photography_Bird Bath_Barry Keeler

602_Night_Photography_Call of the Wild_Jack Bosgra

603_Night_Photography_The Moon & The Stars_Sheila Smith

604_Night_Photography_Ghostly Moon_Warren Pearson

605_3rd_Night_Photography_Evening at Willow Hill_Doug Brook

606_2nd_Night_Photography_Christmas Candles_Jack Coulis

607_1st_Night_Photography_Eau Claire at Night_Bob Jackson


701_B&W_Nasty Skies_Barry Keeler

702_B&W_Awaiting the Storm_Carol McKeown

703_B&W_Harvest_Doug Brook

704_B&W_Sun Through the Clouds_Jack Bosgra

Frank Lake rock

706_B&W_Rime Ice_Katherine Matiko

707_B&W_Serious_Michele Verlinden

708_B&W_Snow Coming In_Sheila Smith

709_B&W_Night Storm_Warren Pearson

710_3rd_B&W_Misty Mountains_Judy Price

711_2nd_B&W_Storm Over Turner Valley_Bob Jackson

713_1st_B&W_Storm Approaching_Barb Larson


801_People_On the Ranch_Barb Larson

802_People_My Parents Waiting For Supper_Barry Keeler

803_People_Celebration in the Park_Jack Bosgra

804_People_How Long Til We’re This Big_Julie Thomson

805_People_Doc and Company_Katherine Matiko

806_People_Little People_Michele Verlinden

807_People_Five Going On Twenty Five_Sheila Smith

808_People_Did You See That_Warren Pearson

809_3rd_People_Foothills_Skijoring_Doug Brook

810_2nd_People_The Archer_Bob Jackson

811_1st_People_Mommy Looks Beautiful_Jack Coulis


901_Landscape_Coyote Hills_Bob Jackson

902_Wildlife_California Gull_Bob Jackson

903_Starburst_Mormon Temple_Barb Larson

904_Cellphone_Photo_Sunset_Doug Brook

905_ICM_Brush_Strokes_Bob Jackson

906_Night_Photography_Eau Claire at Night_Bob Jackson

907_B&W_Storm Approaching _Barb Larson

908_People_Mommy Looks Beautiful_Jack Coulis